On Tuesdays, Two Writing Teachers hosts the Slice of Life. Everyone is welcome to share writing and comment on others in this special community.
Frank looked at me in surprise when I suggested that we meet in the room at 8 am for our 8:15 presentation. The six of us were at dinner going over last minute details of our long-anticipated presentation, and the anxiety was a little high since it was finally going to happen.
"Don't you think we should get there earilier?" he asked.
I think I shrugged. I wake up early, so early was fine with me. We all agreed on 7:30 am. The five of them were staying at a different hotel from me, so we'd meet in the morning.
In the morning, rain greeted me as I plodded from the hotel to the conference center, avoiding puddles and wrestling my umbrella when the wind tried to turn it inside out. I got to the conference room at 7:28. No team.
One of the NCTE tech people hooked me up with a dongle which was my biggest worry about the presentation. (A set of dongles is on my holiday wishlist, and that's another slice!). I sat and sipped my coffee with the opening slide relievingly ( a made-up word, but a perfect one for the context) projected on the screen behind me. No team.
I checked my phone, and there were a few texts from Rebecca. We took a wrong turn. Be there soon... We're almost there... The texts were several minutes earlier. It was almost 8. Participants were drifting into the room and taking seats. Still no team.
At 8:07, the group came in, nerves riding high, flushed, and jittery.
"Have we got stories for you!" they gushed. "We're so sorry."
"No worries," I kept repeating as they settled in. "We'll be great."
After the presentation, I heard more about all their wrong turns and struggles to get to Room 104B, but they all made it, the presentation was great, and we had a lot of laughs. In fact, we are still laughing.