Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Slice of Life- One Little Word for 2025

On Tuesdays, Two Writing Teachers hosts the Slice of Life. Everyone is welcome to share writing and comment on others in this special community. 



I had decided on a different word for 2025 way back in August, and, to be honest, I've even thought about it i combination with my current word which is "time". However, as the year draws to a close, I'm have a last-minute change, something I can't remember ever having done before. 

This year will be the 12th year of my practice of choosing one word to keep as a focus, and I love the history of my words. I could still explain the rationale and the impacts of each word as I think back. I've said this before, and I'll say it again... my favorite words have been the ones with a double meaning. Words that can serve as multiple parts of speech. Words that require context to reveal their meaning. Words that are both simple and complex. 

Time has been a great choice for the last twelve months. This word has inspired me to think about how I spend and manage the gift of it. I'd recommend it as a choice to anyone.

January of 2025 is going to launch a season of healing for me. While I don't have life-threatening issues, I have a couple of surgeries to get through including a long-awaited knee replacement. I'm looking forward to looking back on it, for sure, and my focus will be on healing for myself. I also have some close friends in my life who are facing surgeries and treatments. My OLW encompasses the positive thinking I'll be sending their way throughout the year. 

And so, for 2025, my OLW is heal. Physical, spiritual, and any other kind of healing that's needed throughout the year. 

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Slice of Life- The Missing Fireplace Remote


On Tuesdays, Two Writing Teachers hosts the Slice of Life. Everyone is welcome to share writing and comment on others in this special community. 

We finished playing a competitive game of spades last night, and all four of us were ready to head for bed. The game had taken long since Garth and Larkin failed to cover their final bet, and Clare and I took too many bags.... stories for another time. 

"Where's the fireplace remote?" Garth asked. 
"Clare turned it on," Larkin was quick to respond. 
"I've only been in this one area," Clare said. 

The four of us looked around. No remote. 
The four of us looked under sofa pillows. No remote. 
The four of us looked under the sofa. No. Remote. 

"Where else did you go?" Garth asked. 
Clare's response was a little snappy. 

Larkin and Clare systematically removed the cushions of the sofa. At least I had recently vacuumed under there so I didn't have to cringe at all the dirt, dog hair, and other debris that makes its way under those cushions. 

But still no remote. 

Garth and Clare were both snappy at this point. 

"Can't you just turn it off by hand?" Clare asked. 
"I would have done that by now," Garth said. 

Larkin and I both cracked up when she commented on how she knew exactly what to do in order to make this family neurotic. (Readers are welcome to try a hide-the-remote game in their house and report back on how it goes...)

On the remote (pun intended) chance that Clare had gone upstairs between the lighting and losing process, I headed upstairs to continue a house scan. My search was interrupted by victory screams downstairs. 

The remote was located in the games cabinet since Larkin had put away the pile of games that had been out, balancing them so carefully that the remote stayed right on top of the pile. 

Out went the fire, and up we all went to beds. 

And yes, I know exactly how to prank this family!