Tuesday, April 2, 2013

#Slice 2013- April Fools' Day

On Tuesdays, Ruth and Stacey host Slice of Life on their blog at twowritingteachers.wordpress.com. Feel free to write, link, and/or comment!

April Fools' Day is a major holiday in our house. All of us spend time on the internet looking for new pranks that we haven't seen before. Most years, I get sprayed by at least one of the sinks. (This year, I remembered to take the tape off before I got wet!) I have sat in Balmex (bad joke), found salt in toothpaste (okay joke), found my bed short-sheeted (funny joke as long as I've opted for an early bedtime) and have found my sweaters taped together (quite funny joke, actually)--you get the idea.

Yesterday, I had to pick up Julia from soccer practice. Julia doesn't like to wait and even though I try to always keep her schedule straight and to be there on time, I make mistakes. Meetings run over, someone else needs a ride, or I forget that the time changed. So yesterday, when I arrived at the fields five minutes early, I parked at the far side where she couldn't see me and waited for my phone to ring. It rang.

"Mom, are you here?" Julia asked.

"What are you talking about?" I responded. "Doesn't practice end at 7:30?"

"Mooom. I told you 7. 5:30-7..."

"I'm sorry, Julia." I try not to have the giggle come out in my voice. "I'll leave right now."

I hung up and texted her right away. April Fools. I'm here.

Julia was smiling when I pulled up next to her. "You got me, Mom," she said. "I wasn't going to fall for Cecily's carmel onions since that was too far from her norm but you were much more believable."

Hmmm. Should I feel good about that?

We both had a good laugh.


  1. You got her! Thanks for the laugh today.

  2. I love that everyone gets into the spirit of the day.

  3. I wouldn't have been able to keep from giggling on the phone. Very clever!

  4. Just letting you know that I sent off your SOLC prize this afternoon. Hope you enjoy it. Great job on all of your slices and your dedication.
