Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Slice of Life: Announcing my 2023 One Little Word

  It's Tuesday, and Tuesdays are for slicing.  Anyone is welcome to join us through Two Writing Teachers, slicing, sharing, and commenting on other slices! 


Over the years, I have stayed with the practice of choosing one little word to focus on throughout the year. This year will be my tenth year of this practice, and all of my words have entwined, becoming part of how I ground myself when I feel like I'm flailing. For various reasons, I'd recommend any one of my previous nine words, although I have some that have impacted me more than others. Present was my first word, and it is probably the most powerful one. Last year, I changed it up with just because it was a word I wanted to use much less. Originally, I tried eliminating just altogether, but I realized it was effective enough to become more intentional about it. 

When I took on my 2016 acknowledge, I realized that I really like words with multiple meanings-- ones that can be multiple parts of speech are great! With that in mind, I've chosen care for 2023. 

Care appeals to me because it can be something I both do and receive. I want to work on actively caring for the and about the people who matter to me, and I also will work on accepting care-- something that can be a little tricky for me. If I had any question about this in my mind, it's been made that much clearer with an injured right hand. I've had to ask for a lot of help and accept a lot of care. 

My words have had lasting effects on me, and I'm looking forward to paying attention to giving and receiving care. I'll keep you posted! 


  1. I find OLWs and the process of selecting them fascinating. (I think I'm going to have to go read last year's post about "just" as I'm well aware that's a word that I overuse --it must be the most deleted word on my computer! I constantly write it and later have to remove it. Ugh.) I've been waffling this year about whether to choose a word or not. I've never done so with any consistency but admire those who do and I have enjoyed it the few times I've done so. Care sounds like a great choice for 2023.

  2. I loved reading your reflections and the reason you chose care. I agree, multiple meaning words can be powerful! From Erika

  3. Melanie, I found your thoughts interesting, especially this one: "all of my words have entwined, becoming part of how I ground myself when I feel like I'm flailing". Each one word is unique to the creator of the guiding word. May care suit you well this year. I started my journey in 2014 along with you and many writers. My slice discussed my thoughts but the 2023 one word will be revealed this week.
