Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Slice of Life- 30 of 31: Six words for the end of the month

   It's March! That means that I am participating in the Slice of Life Story Challenge. I am happy to co-host this event with the team at Two Writing Teachers. Everyone is welcome!

Almost over--
Relieved? Maybe. 


  1. I met a slicer for coffee yesterday and we both were a little sad to only have 2 more days. It started to feel like we were finally getting into the grove. So we started making plans to participate on Tuesdays during the year. You chose the perfect 6 words and ended with what I feel the most!!! ALso glad that you reach a personal writing goal! You accomplished much in a very short post!

  2. Yes, relieved for sure! And grateful, absolutely! But a bit sad too, as this has become part of my morning routine.

  3. I love how well the few words summarise the feeling today.

  4. Simple, sweet, sentimental.
    Loved this. XX

  5. 6 words that hold a whole month. Grateful, relieved, sad... all of those and more.

  6. Succinct and on point. I can't believe it's almost over.

  7. Yes -- all of it. You know my love for six word stories. The end of this month is always bittersweet. I learn about myself in surprising ways every year. Thanks for pushing me over the edge this year -- I needed it.

  8. I've got to be honest with you:
    I'm exhausted; March went on forever.
    That's my six-word sentence. (Last week's tech issues broke me. I was good until then.)

  9. All of those feelings come at the end of March, you have captured the combination of emotions just so.
