Saturday, March 28, 2015

Slice #28 of 31- Celebrating and Missing a Friend

For the month of March, I am participating in the Slice of Life Challenge, hosted by the community of writers at Two Writing Teachers. Many of my slices are at my personal blog, Just Write, Melanie, but ones that deal specifically with education appear at Two Reflective Teachers. All are welcome to join the slicing party by reading and commenting. People write amazing posts.

March 27. That was yesterday. 
Sometimes slices are written the day before. 
Yesterday was my friend's birthday. 

While she was always there for me when she was here, 
my friend has been right by my side since September,
 helping me write a book.

Reminding me of her laugh.
Of her generosity.
Of her love for a good time.
Of her capacity to make everyone feel like her best friend.

How did she do that?

She's brought me together with people I didn't know before and now I love.
She's reconnected me with people who I have missed, and now cherish. 
She's reminded me that the impact we make while we are here, because my book 

her laugh
her listening
her generosity
her love for bringing people together
her acceptance of everyone.

I miss her.
I miss my friend 
Who would--no should-- be fifty-two

And a day.


  1. Melanie, what a touching poem. I am so sorry for the loss of your friend who would--no should--be fifty-two and a day today. She lives on in your celebration of her in your writing and in your living. Lovely post.

  2. I'm happy that your friend is still there right beside you, Melanie. What a sweet tribute to her.

  3. Some friends never leave, they are with you in your heart. I look forward to your book written with your friend.
