Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Slice of Life: There's Bravery Behind Those Cowboy Boots



        It's Tuesday, and Tuesdays are for slicing.  Anyone is welcome to join us through Two Writing Teachers, slicing, sharing, and commenting on other slices! 

Many years ago during a professional development session, a colleague and I were directed to determine the qualities and personality traits of the tree in the Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein. I remember how T. described the tree as brave. It takes courage to give gifts. That was the year before I chose present as my one little word. Since one of the meanings of present is synonymous with gift, I had recently been all too aware of how much thought and yes, courage, went into choosing gifts for others, watching them open them, and hoping they'd like them. 

One of my daughter's birthday is tomorrow, and I have yet to decide on her gift. I have a little leeway since I won't see her until Friday, but my mother is way ahead of me. 

"Have you heard from Clare?" she asked me yesterday. "Did she get my package?"

"Your package?" I echoed.

""I sent her cowboy boots," my mom said. 

Cowboy boots? My mother sent my daughter cowboy boots??? What?  I've been coveting cowboy boots! Somehow both pairs I had during my college days are nowhere to be found, although many other less desirable items keep showing up in unopened boxes.

"Mom," I said, "that is awesome."

"I texted the other girls," she said. "They filled me in. And then I ordered them and sent them."

I can't wait to hear Clare's response, and I also can't wait to give my mom a hug. What a generous gift. 

And what a brave act!

Happy Slicing,

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Slice of Life: A Short Slice About the Different Perspectives on a Rainy Day


     It's Tuesday, and Tuesdays are for slicing.  Anyone is welcome to join us through Two Writing Teachers, slicing, sharing, and commenting on other slices! 

As with so many things in life, there are a lot of different perspectives on rain. I'm sure that my mother is doing whatever happy dance she can muster first thing in the morning since her pots and plants have been wilting since July. The superintendent at the local golf course is probably nodding his appreciation as well. The last time I saw him I was thrilled that the weatherman had been wrong about the rainy forecast since it meant I could play... him? Not so much. 

For many of my colleagues, rainy days mean indoor recess, and I'm packing a couple of games to share later this morning if students are stuck. 

My lab could care less. The rain runs off him the way it does on a mallard's back. But my littler dog Winnie will resist going out for the day, disliking all aspects of a rainy day and much preferring any and all cushioned spots in the house.  

Happy Slicing,
