Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Slice of Life: Abs on a Monday

   Anyone is welcome to join us through Two Writing Teachers, slicing, sharing, and commenting on other slices! 


I waited until the last possible minute to announce I'd go with Larkin and Julia to yoga. I'd worked out a lot over the weekend, I had plenty of work to catch up on, and I was looking at a full afternoon of tutoring. But it's rare that Larkin and Julia are both home, so yes, I hauled on the yoga pants. 

The studio lobby was busy with people signing in, and Lisa, the check-in guru, was training a new person. My situation created a learning experience since I was running late and my pre-purchased pack of ten was showing none left, and I was pretty sure there was one remaining. At least the girls took my mat to set up my space-- the one by the window and against the front wall for when I lose my balance. 

"I'll figure it out when you're in class," Lisa said. 

I walked into class, and my mat was in the back row, far from the window and with access only to the back wall. 

"Your spot was taken," Julia said. "I figured you'd want the wall, so I put you there."

I'd deal. Yogis should go with the flow. 

"Is this 60 minutes or 75 minutes?" I asked, hoping it would be shorter because long classes start with abs and short classes just get right into flow. My abs were sore, and I concentrated on Julia saying sixty. She did. But... 

"Today doesn't feel like a Monday," Michelle, the instructor said as she opened the class. "Let's start on our backs with abs."

As I write about this on Tuesday morning, I can guarantee you that there are NO ABS in my next 24 hours. 


  1. Melanie, I love how you "hauled on the yoga pants." What a great way to describe your mood about going, and also the feeling we all have when we haul ourselves to do something we'd really prefer not to do. I like that word - - haul. Some days are like that, getting the gumption to get up and go. As my husband says, "See my smoke?" as he stays put.

  2. Stay away from the funny people today -- laughter will bring you pain! But, just think of that summer six pack you're getting!

  3. I love your candor about needing that wall in case the floor starts tilting (always blame the floor!). That's one of the best reasons to practice at home, so many walls and no competition for them. Here's to a day of legs—walk on!

  4. Melanie,
    I’m feeling the body pain, too, and thrilled I’m not the only one who needs the wall for balance. I started practicing yoga at least six or seven years ago, and I still can’t even do crow pose. I have zero flexibility! And as Kim said, you “hauled on the yoga pants” putting us right in the mat w/ you.

  5. I haven't been to a yoga since before Covid, but now I want to go!

  6. It's amazing how we 'get attached' to certain spots in various situations. Sometimes it throws off my karma, but it did not seem to throw you off your yoga game. :)
