Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Slice of Life: Friends Who Love Books...

  On Tuesdays, Two Writing Teachers hosts the Slice of Life. Everyone is welcome to share writing and comment on others in this special community. 



Over the weekend, I reconnected with friends from college. There were six of us, two of whom I see and talk to regularly and two of whom I saw for the first time back in October after a very long stretch, but I hadn't seen one of my friends, Stephanie, in over thirty years. HOW am I that old? 

We finished a long lunch full of laughs, stories, and even wine, and then we headed out to poke into some shops. The first shop we went in: Bank Street Books, one of my favorite independent book stores. 

Stephanie, unbeknownst to me, had returned to the working world after her banking career and kid-raising as a library media specialist. The two of us beelined for the children's section, sharing favorite authors and picture books. I've been remiss at keeping up with new releases, and my summer TBR list grew! When we returned to the adult section, the other four had talked to the visiting author and gotten books signed for themselves. Everyone was passing around favorite recent reads.

Tom Lake? Just finished it. Liked it, didn't love it.

Heaven and Earth Grocery Store? Everyone in my book group was divided. Some loved it, some not. I couldn't keep track of all the characters. 

The Frozen River? You've GOT to read that one! 

James? We'll be talking about that one! Let me know when you finish it. 

These snippets of conversations and reviews are only a sampling. Could I be more appreciative to have these women both in and back in my life? 


  1. I hope reading your post inspired others to reconnect with old friends! I’m going to make a plan…
    And the love of books uniting! So wonderful and true.

  2. Long friendships are wonderful! I love that you all connected over reading.

  3. What a gift to have lifelong friends who love reading as much as you do!

  4. This is so inspiring - longtime friends, reading and sharing the joy of books together! You inspire me to want to create a friends book club!
