Monday, May 6, 2024

Slice of Life: Revisiting the Possibility of No

On Tuesdays, Two Writing Teachers hosts the Slice of Life. Everyone is welcome to share writing and comment on others in this special community. 



"Yes," I said. 

"Sure, I can do that," I said. 

"No problem," I said. "I can get it done."

This afternoon, I received a text from someone, and without explicitly reminding me, she reminded me of a long-standing responsibility I have to get something other than those referenced in the first three responses of this slice. Could she see my reaction to the text through the distance between our phones? Thankfully, the world of technology hasn't figured out how to teleport a reaction from a textee to a texter. Therefore, I had the luxury of figuring out my response. Should I fess up that it was good she reminded me (even though technically she hadn't...) or should I pretend and play along that I would NEVER forget a long-standing responsibility?

I don't know why it's so hard for me to lie-- misrepresent?!?-- I just can't. I know, I know...that's a good thing. 

Maybe I need to rethink the three responses and give "No, I really can't" a try. Or maybe it's almost June and time to refill my tank. My One Little Word for 2024 is time, and I really am trying to be aware of how I spend it. Really, I am. 


  1. Good advice to yourself. No is a powerful word.

  2. This is a reminder to all of us who accept way to many requests. While it may be true that people who are busy usually can find a way to do a bit more, there is a limit to the number of hours in a day we can work. Perhaps a tee shirt slogan, Just Say No (to overwhelming requests)!

  3. Sometimes a “No” is self-preservation! Sounds to me like you need a bit of that—and justifiably so. (Boy, imagine a time when text communication actually transmits feelings, gut reactions; that would be positively scary!)

  4. So hard to say no! I try to remind myself that saying yes to all the things is really saying no to other things … but it is still so tricky!
