Friday, August 16, 2024

Slice of Life: Making Coffee From Hay

   On Tuesdays, Two Writing Teachers hosts the Slice of Life. Everyone is welcome to share writing and comment on others in this special community. 



During the summer, I share a home near the beach with my husband's brother and his family. Sharing a home with ten other people (and usually more because lots of guests cycle in and out) poses challenges. This morning three of us gathered in the kitchen waiting our turn for the coffee maker. 

"This coffee maker is tough to predict," Paul announced as he denounced his coffee. 

I was next. The water bin was almost empty... and so was the coffee bean compartment. 

His wife cracked up as I filled the water and the beans. "Paul thinks it's like Rumpelstiltskin," she said. "Gold from hay and coffee from air."

My coffee was fine, and so was Paul's when he redid his with water and beans. 


  1. I think I’d like a magic coffee maker! ❤️Jess

  2. It sounds like your challenges and sharing are all friendly, even over morning coffee which some people, like me, consider essential to life in the morning. And how great to spend time with family in a house by a beach!

  3. So funny! I'm still thinking about what kind of fancy coffee maker this is. =D

  4. Melanie, your coffee making start to the day was fun to read. I loved your title because it was a clever way to engage others in your slice.
