Saturday, March 1, 2025

Slice of Life 2025: 1 of 31- Let's get this started!

Throughout the month of March, I am participating in the annual Slice of Life Story Challenge, and even hosted by the team at Two Writing Teachers. Every day in March, I will share a story and comment on the stories of other participants. Please join us in writing, sharing, reading, and commenting!

We have an annual debate in our house around this time of year as to when Larkin and I first started writing in the SOLSC. I think she was fifteen, and I think I had been at it for a year before she started. She's 28 now, so for Larkin, over half of her Marches are documented in slices. I love that. I also love that two of her three sisters, Julia and Clare, have also joined in past years-- it's become a family affair that we all look forward to. Who knows? Maybe even my youngest daughter will try it out this year, but I'll wait to see before I shout her out. If anyone needs insights from the 20-somethings, I recommend my daughters' posts; they are much funnier and quippier than mine! 

This year, as I've done in many years, I've collected nuggets throughout February, preparing and arming myself with ideas for days of nothing and even posts for days of nuttiness. The truth is I have a lot of time right now. 

Here are some things I've thought about during recuperation over the last few weeks. Some are metaphorical, and some have direct implications for teaching and writing. 
  1. My word for 2025 is heal, and it's been great so far. I had minor toe surgery in January to prepare for major knee surgery on 2/26. There's been some other physical healing needing to happen for my daughters, as well, so the focus on it is working. 
  2. Heal has lots of different meanings and connotations. I like that, too. 
  3. Toes are small, but they support a lot. Don't underestimate their importance. 
  4. It's a lot easier for me to help than to ask for help. 
  5. Bodies forget VERY quickly what they're supposed to do when they're given a chance to. 
  6. Even quadriceps appreciate a warning that they're about to do something hard. 
  7. You can be working... REALLY WORKING... without moving at all. 
  8. Sometimes doing nothing feels a lot better than doing something, but that's not the best thing. 

I'm excited to read and comment this morning. March is a time for connecting and reconnecting, and I love that! 


  1. newtreemom
    Heal seems the perfect word for you. Wishing you a good recovery… I’m familiar…5 months out from knee replacement #1 and #2 coming up at the end of the month. Hope SOL March Challenge is just what the doctor ordered! It’s delightful that you’ve had your daughters participating with you!

  2. How lovely that most of your daughters write along with you! I hope your healing process goes well. I agree that it's good to prepare in February..I meant to, but didn't!

  3. I love that your daughters have joined you in writing. What a wonderful thing to share! I definitely need some good advice from 20-somethings. I'm afraid I'm getting old and crochety!

  4. I think it is GREAT that your daughters join you on this writing journey! While I do not envy your long road to recovery, I think it is GREAT that you can your hands are working just fine and you are healing internally, externally and through your words.

  5. I'm not sure where you're getting this math. I'm not 30 yet!!! Also, sometimes doing nothing is the best thing. Give yourself some grace, missy

  6. I'm a big advocate for do nothing days, so the fact that we get to have a bunch together is oh so exciting!

  7. I learned how important toes are last summer in physical therapy! Now I make people role their eyes when I talk about the importance of toe yoga. . . I’m glad your word is heal and that you can concentrate on that. I love that you have some disagreements on the math , and then Larkin comments not knowing where you are getting the math … the slice keeps going in the comments, it seems. :-) Happy March!

  8. What a treasure that your girls have documented their lives in slices!

  9. So glad you are centering your healing. Glad to hear your voice here:)

  10. Sending you positive healing vibes. It sounds like you’re learning a lot on this journey. ❤️Jess

  11. Hi Melanie! Good to see you again! I am sending you lots of positive energy on your healing journey. :)
