Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Slice of Life 2025: 11 of 31- A magical morning

Throughout the month of March, I am participating in the annual Slice of Life Story Challenge, an event hosted by the team at Two Writing Teachers. Every day in March, I will share a story and comment on the stories of other participants. Please join us in writing, sharing, reading, and commenting!

Tracy's post about Cadillac Mountain inspired this one from me since it was a parallel experience although 5,132 miles apart if I'm to believe google. The map below shows the line between Cadillac Mountain and the Haleakala Crater in Maui.  

Luckily for us, we were still on Connecticut time on the morning we'd designated as the one to go to the Haleakala sunrise. Even so, we might have had a little grumbling and wondering about whether the early wake up and the long drive would be worth it. Julia assured us it would be, and she had done all the pre-planning and reservation-making. Backing out wasn't an option. 

 We were all in the car at 4:30 am, making sure that we were following all recommendations and being at the visitor's center well before the time of the projected sunrise. If someone had tried to explain to me the road, I'm not sure I could have understood, but I did take a picture of the car's navigation system to show the hairpin curves we navigated. I'd be lying if I said I didn't gasp every so often. The girls kept count of any of my overly-audible noises. 
(For the record, we were on the edge of many cliffs, so, some noises may have been warranted!)

It was still dark at the top of the crater, and somehow, I didn't take the warm-clothing advice serious enough. We all had sweatshirts, but wow, the matching puffer coats that the people who'd paid the big bucks for the tours looked cozy! 

We were left to snuggles and hoods. 

A glow started soon after we arrived, 

and continued to grow as the sun glimmered across an ocean of clouds hovering over the crater. 

As the sun rose, the crowd silenced, and native Hawaiian people chanted a traditional greeting to the sun, a prayer welcoming the morning. It was magic. 

As the sun continued to rise, Garth and the girls hiked down into the crater. I sat that hike out since I'd overdone the previous hiking day. But I loved watching the people I love most in the world have so much joy. 


  1. Oh wow, what a great way to start the day. You capture the switchbacks as well as the cold air, I felt it through the words and pics. Glad you were able to share such a great moment with your family!

  2. A beautiful memory punctuated by beautiful photos. So cool how other people’s writing can inspire! ❤️ Jess

  3. I read Tracy's slice yesterday and I'm so glad you included these photos as well! They really capture the change of so much color in just a few moments. When you describe the silence, you convey how powerful that moment was for everyone!

  4. That is positively gorgeous! All these travel posts have me ready to pack my suitcase and take to the roads. There is nothing more inspiring than a sunrise in a new place like this.

    1. -Kim Johnson (I always forget to add my name....)

  5. I was not on Ct time anymore! But a magical morning nonetheless. And I love hearing it from your POV. you forgot about the worlds best breakfast!!

  6. "I love the people I love most in the world having so much joy" is such a lovely outlook on the missing out. Lovely photos and happy you made that effort.

  7. Melanie,
    Your experience visiting Haleakala is much like my own. It's one of my all-time favorite nature moments, and the native musicians made the experience more spiritual and beautiful than I could have imagined.

  8. Amazing. It really is so magical and uplifting.I love the pictures. I just read an article about how watching the sunrise and set is good for your brain! Then again, now with phones, probably anything else is better for our brains. Lol.
