Thursday, March 6, 2025

Slice of Life 2025: 6 of 31- A Morning Text

Throughout the month of March, I am participating in the annual Slice of Life Story Challenge, and even hosted by the team at Two Writing Teachers. Every day in March, I will share a story and comment on the stories of other participants. Please join us in writing, sharing, reading, and commenting!

My phone buzzed at 8:03 this morning with a text from a teacher. What could B. want? Maybe there was a glitch in an on-line resource. Maybe he was looking for some help with a lesson. Maybe the assessments weren't loading correctly. He probably doesn't know I'm out on medical leave, and he definitely wouldn't know that sleep was a tough commodity last night. I was still pretty groggy. 

I hesitated to open the text. I knew if I opened it, he'd know I'd read it. (Damn that read receipt!). I also wasn't sure that I had the mettle to handle much in the way of requests. (Damn that grogginess!)

Then I opened it, and he was right. My heart did melt a bit. 

Sometimes the right text at the right time makes an unbelievable impact. 


  1. Another positive phone story. I love that B shared that with you. It’s nice to know you and your work matters. ❤️Jess

  2. Sometimes the best medicine is words and sentiment. They miss you!

  3. Amazing! Your impact is great and what a lovely text to wake up to. I would love to hear more about your camp. I did a writing camp through NWP (Lake Michigan Writing Project) for 7 years, but not last year and I missed it. Cheers to keeping the writer's fueled.

  4. I just love how God provides these little moments when we need them most. Be blessed in your healing.

  5. I read this, and made my heart happy. There are days where it's hard to know what kind of difference we're making, and there are days like this. What a wonderful message to receive.
