Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Slice of Life 2025: 5 of 31- Keeping it real

Throughout the month of March, I am participating in the annual Slice of Life Story Challenge, and even hosted by the team at Two Writing Teachers. Every day in March, I will share a story and comment on the stories of other participants. Please join us in writing, sharing, reading, and commenting!

As she has been over the last week, Larkin helped me with getting to bed tonight. She leaves on Thursday, and I can already feel my sadness about that departure. IYKYK. 

"I haven't written my post for the morning," I said. 

"You can write it in the morning for the morning," she said. 

"I don't like to do that," I said. 

Old habits die hard. For however many years that I've been doing the March Challenge, I've written my post the night before and posted in the morning. 

"You can use one from your stash," Larkin said. 

Today's been a teary day. Some of you may know the types. You know that whatever was said or happened is not even remotely tear-worthy, but those tears are closer to the surface than they're supposed to be or than they usually are. Pain'll do that. Some of you reading this might already know that I got a new knee last week. I'm so happy, and I can't wait for all the things I'll be able to do, but Day 6 has been pretty slumpy. 

And yes, I have a stash of posts I wrote for those just in case days, and I like them all. They're great slices, but... 

"None of them could happen right now," I said to Larkin, smiling even though tears were hot to drop. "I can't use them."

She nodded. She understood. 

"Everyone would know right away that it's a phony slice," I said. 

"I think you have your slice," Larkin smiled. 

Smart girl. 


  1. It helps to have a child who gets it/also blogs! I appreciate your discomfort and I suspect frustration at this point in your recovery. So many plans, so many hopes, so much frustration with time moving slowly. Hang in there - next week will be better.

  2. This is so relatable! "Some of you may know the types"...ummm YES!! When the water works start, they just don't stop. I completely understand. Thank you for sharing something so real!

  3. Yes, some days are like that. Recovery is tough but I am glad you see the hope in what you'll be doing soon enough!

  4. What a sweet exchange. She knows you well. You nailed the "teary days," they're so real for so many different reasons. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
