Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Slice of Life 2024: 6 of 31- Wordle in 6 and then some...

  It's March, and March is for slicing.  Anyone is welcome to join us through Two Writing Teachers, slicing, sharing, and commenting on other slices! 


Maybe Wordle in 6 should have been a clue. 
And maybe I should have paid more attention to the fact that 
I almost didn't get Connections.
 (Pop singers shouldn't have such flexible names, in my opinion.) 
And maybe it had more to do with taking Monday off, 
being buried on Tuesday, 
and having it be a rainy, gray day.

 In any case, I spent the day in a nagging state of self-doubt. 

Maybe some days are like that. 


  1. Yes, when the "puzzles" challenge me, I feel like I am pushing uphill all day! Today, has begun as a good day, except for Spelling Bee where I am one point from Genius, again!

  2. Melanie, what a fascinating post. I loved learning about "Connections". (I just tried it for the first time, and only made 2/4 connections.) That "taking Monday off, / being buried on Tuesday..." is such an effective image. We've all been there. Here's to a great Wednesday!

  3. Have you tried the new NYT game???

  4. I agree, you have written a very interesting post! I do Wordle and Spelling Bee and try not to cheat by looking up clues! I also like to do the NY Times crossword, though I can only handle Monday through Wednesday.

  5. So much fun in this slice, even though it is about one of those days. We learn so much about you in these short snippets you share. Hope tomorrow is better!

  6. If you're feeling really crazy we could blame it on the planets being in retrograde!

  7. Yup, some days are like that. I have yet to play any of these games on my phone yet. I have started doing crosswords and they often leave me feeling in self doubt!
