Monday, September 16, 2024

Slice of Life: Solidcore Newbies

  On Tuesdays, Two Writing Teachers hosts the Slice of Life. Everyone is welcome to share writing and comment on others in this special community. 



Late this afternoon, I texted Betsy and Sharyl, wondering if either of them had gotten sorer as the day progressed. (I had.) My daughters have spent the day chuckling at my reports of sore hamstrings, buttocks, traps, abs, and obliques. Yep, the ground has seemed a lot farther away today than it usually does. 

"That's Solidcore for you," one of them remarked. 


After months of talking about it, my colleagues and I went to our first class together on Sunday afternoon. To be fair, I've gone a few times with said daughters, but going with experienced chaperones and going with other novices are two different things, even when the class is touted as an introductory one. 

The first challenge was registering. We got through that. (To be honest, I kept expecting one of them to find an excuse to back out. Talking about doing this was very different than actually doing it.) 

Challenge 2: The three of us arrived at the studio, and they cheered me on as I found the door code in a string of texts. Done. 

And Challenge 3: Then, entering the code in order to get into the locked studio door. I'm proud to report that I pushed the door open before the girl behind the desk made it over to let us in, but it was a close call. 

Note: There had already been a lot of challenges, and the class hadn't started... 

We navigated our way into the room and commandeered three-- what do you call them?-- machines? stations? reformers? (torture devices???)---

The music came on, Emily the instructor welcomed us, and we were on our way to completing our 50-minute class, along with thirteen other Solidcore newbies. 

Since I was the instigator, I was relieved that the overall consensus was positive as we walked to the car after class. And yes, we're going back. But maybe not tomorrow since today, I'm still a little sore to the touch. 


  1. Hmm, you have me intrigued- I have never heard of Solidcore, but it sounds hard! Good for you!

  2. Good old DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness)! The fact that you did the class after all the challenges before it even started--BRAVA!!

  3. Congrats! I have never heard of Solidcore, but I love the solidarity you and your friends are demonstrating by going together. I appreciated how you outlined all the barriers to overcome before you even began exercising. Hope you find some time to soak in a warm bath!

  4. This is a model text of zooming in and slowing down. Step-by-step, all involved just to get in the door! I've seen the SOLIDCORE signs up in my area. Despite oyur use of the word "torture", I might have to give it a try sometime! And thanks to you, I get the steps to get started.
