Sunday, March 4, 2018

Slice of Life 2018: 4 of 31

For the month of March, I am participating in the Eleventh Annual Slice of Life Story Challenge. That means that I am writing every day for the month of March in the good company of the Two Writing Teachers community. 

I went to Boston to see a friend's daughter in a play yesterday. I also had a couple of hours to sit and talk face to face with another slicer, Clare Landrigan, but that's another slice. As I was about to head home, my phone buzzed, and it was my almost-twenty year-old who was home from school for a night.

"You're not going to believe what happened," she started. 

I couldn't yet identify the emotion that was behind the hysteria in her voice. I waited to start my car so that I'd focus on her and she wouldn't cut out when the phone flipped to hands-free. 

"So I went to Best Buy to exchange my phone since now my update really is ready--" (I bet you all can feel the relief flooding through my body.) I got into my car and started it. 

Her litany went on about how she spent all this time only to find out there'd be no phone without a license to show who she was, and her license was in her desk drawer at her dorm. 

I told her I'd be home in a couple of hours, and I'd stop and get the new phone. She assured me it was all set, the sales associate would remember her, and I'd get in and out of there fast. 

I didn't. (Has anyone ever gotten out of Best Buy fast with a mission accomplished?) I have new friends at Best Buy, though, and Julia has her new phone.

Oh, and she told me I was the best mom ever before my husband drove her back to school.

I'm not, but it's great to hear those words...even if they spawn from a phone...with which I have a complicated relationship...there's yet another slice!

Happy Slicing,


  1. The things we moms do! Your line - "she told me I was the best mom ever before my husband drove her back to school" lets me in on your feeling despite the long wait at Best Buy.
    Interestingly I am going to get a new phone with my daughter today. I hope the experience leaves her saying the same words to me!
    Might try somewhere beside Best Buy!

  2. The answer to your question. No! No one has a quick experience at Best Buy. Ever. The things we do for our children!!!

  3. Yes, take every compliment you can get and hold it in your heart. I purposely avoid Best Buy for the very reason that there aren't enough hours in the day and what I'm waiting for, I probably don't need anyway.

  4. Ha! You have had quite a few car adventures this weekend. The see-saw between these two lines was perfect - my emotions went up and down and back up (you left me laughing!):
    "I couldn't yet identify the emotion that was behind the hysteria in her voice. I waited to start my car so that I'd focus on her and she wouldn't cut out when the phone flipped to hands-free. So I went to Best Buy to exchange my phone since now my update really is ready--" (I bet you all can feel the relief flooding through my body.) I got into my car and started it." Glad you are home safe!

  5. So glad that hysterical emotion wasn’t something serious and worrisome! Take those compliments about being the best parent, you can live off them for a good while. I think we all struggle to accept compliments (like you wrote, “I’m not.”) But we have to remember they’re precious gifts from our children. Thanks for sharing this!
