Saturday, March 16, 2024

Slice of Life 2024: 16 of 31- Dogs and Days

 It's March, and March is for slicing.  Anyone is welcome to join us through Two Writing Teachers, slicing, sharing, and commenting on other slices! 



My dogs know the days of the week. Or at least they know them during the school year when there are no days off or vacations happening, but sometimes I get confused about days of the week during those times, as well. 

It's been a long week for them. Spoiled pooches they are, Garth works from home, and he's been away this week. Each morning, there has been sad disapproval from both of them as I pack my bags and give them extra cookies. 

Really, I say, It's not that long until 3:30. I promise I'll take you for a walk then. 

Really, I imagine them saying back. How could you leave us again?

Okie is more independent, but Winnie is a product of 2020, and basks in a voice to listen to, a foot to lie on, a hip to press against. 

All week, they've studied my morning routines. 

Is she taking a shower after she feeds us? 


This morning, I don't know who's happier with the morning routine: me or Winnie. She's chased the squirrels from the yard, completed her morning business, and eaten breakfast. 

When we came back upstairs, I didn't have to wonder about what was happening next. I knew I would be getting back into bed--writing a slice, reading a bunch, and then enjoying a few chapters of Tom Lake. Winnie couldn't be much closer, her bottom pressed against my legs, and Okie's back in his bed, as well. 

We all know it's Saturday. 


  1. I love thinking of your dogs as your assistants, keeping your family on track with the schedule. Tom Lake is wonderful, I hope your lounge time is glorious on this Sat

  2. You describe your dogs inner thinkings and actions so well. Enjoy your Saturday!!

  3. You have captured your dogs' feelings so very well! They are indeed creatures of habit, but also enjoying most the moments you are with them.

  4. As a dog owner and lover, I feel this slice! Our dogs are so smart and they DO know the routines! Mine head to their crates each morning when I grab a treat from the jar - they know!

  5. I have one of those 2020 pups who needs a bit more attention. He will be glad when I'm not slicing and he has my full lap back without a computer on it!

  6. Love it!! Winnie is such a product of 2020... but she's cute enough to make up for it.

  7. Sounds like the perfect Saturday for everyone! ❤️Jess
