Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Slice of Life 2024: 26 of 31- Whack-a-Mole in Writing Workshop

 It's March, and March is for slicing.  Anyone is welcome to join us through Two Writing Teachers, slicing, sharing, and commenting on other slices! 



Doesn't writing class sometimes feel like a game of Whack-a-Mole? A third-grade teacher was out today, and I subbed in. A slice of life within the writing workshop went something like this:

Sure, T., I can show you a few cool tricks for how to write a conclusion. 

B. are you getting started? 

Yes, E., you can go to the bathroom.

Here's one way you can connect the beginning to the end, T. Here's...

S. I'm not sure why you're sharpening the pencil. I gave you a pen to use last week so you wouldn't have to spend so long getting the perfect point in the middle of a thought. 

B. Is there a problem with the chromebook? You should be writing by now. 

T., here's another way you can connect the beginning to the end. 

What do you mean you don't have a topic, C., we set you up with one last week and it was all planned out. 

S. could you work hard to do your oral rehearsal at a volume that is a little lower? 

T., here are two other strategies you can use in a conclusion. 

Okay, I might be exaggerating, and at the end of the workshop when I had to dash to another school, students were all writing, and the sub was (rightfully) amazed at how much kids had gotten done and what they were righting, but man, sometimes the work involved in getting those writers going warrants a big cup of coffee or a stuffed animal prize like the ones you win after a round of successful Whack-a-Mole. 


  1. You nailed it! It does often go like you described. The prize is stepping back to watch those moments when they are all writing and the pride they exude. Nice work! ❤️ Jess

  2. I think I’ve met every one of those kids in my own classrooms! The thing about whack-a-mole is that, even though it’s frantic in the moment, it’s also fun. How lucky those kids were to write with you today!

  3. Lol- Yes! I hope the schools are grateful for your willingness to do all this subbing!

  4. This feels eerily similar to my experiences in the subbing arena recently. You captured it perfectly. I feel like I may have a similar slice with my afterschool work on the play...getting pulled in so many directions. That could be tonight's...after the rehearsal. Thank you!!

    1. Peter (HumbleSwede), not intentionally anonymous.
