Saturday, March 9, 2024

Slice of Life 2024: 9 of 31- Loading the dishwasher? Maybe not...

It's March, and March is for slicing.  Anyone is welcome to join us through Two Writing Teachers, slicing, sharing, and commenting on other slices! 


Garth was sitting at the kitchen counter when I walked into the house. I was home early after a couple of afternoon doctor appointments. Garth is usually quick on the draw with putting dishes into the dishwasher. 

Sometimes I protest and assert that really, my plan is not to leave my dirty dishes in the sink-- I'll get to them after I do ______. Most of the time, I head off to do ______, and when I come back, those dishes have vanished. 

This afternoon, there were a few mugs and bowls in the sink. As I asked about his day, I opened the dishwasher and began loading it. While there wasn't tons of space, there was plenty enough to fit the contents of the sink. I had almost completed the task when he asked: 

"Aren't those dishes in the dishwasher clean?"

I looked closely. Like I said, there weren't many dishes in there, but the ones that were there? 
Yep, they looked pretty clean. 

"I guess they'll get cleaner," I said. I finished loading, added a cleaning pod, and pushed start. 

We could have said a number of things, for sure, but both laughed. 

A few years ago, a friend introduced me to the term weaponized incompetence. As I remember, she was suggesting that her husband my have WI when it comes to bed-making and laundry. 

I may have some when it comes to dealing with dishes in the sink. 


  1. Weaponized incompetence......what a humorous twist on the truth on the ways we wriggle out of things. I confess. Mine is floors. "I can't see that far down," I'll say, if anyone points something out. I'll walk right past a fuzz tumbleweed for a week to prove "I can't see that far down." And miraculously, it disappears. I'm laughing and standing back, nodding approval and knowing the tactic all too well.

  2. Haha. I love the question Garth asked and response you gave and the laughter that followed. This is a perfect tiny slice that tells about more than the moment.

  3. Chuckling, here. I think it’s little things like this that make up our relationships.
