Monday, March 21, 2022

Slice of Life 2022: 21 of 31- The revelations of a remembered dream

   It's March, and March means the Slice of Life Story Challenge. All are welcome to join the challenge of noticing and writing about the moments of daily life that are stories.

Five am. Sunday morning. Sleep? Maybe...

This six-word story, if you can call it that since maybe it's more of a dilemma, began my morning yesterday. In an unusual turn of events, I did end up going back to sleep which is another slice for a different day, and I awoke from that two-hour unexpected and unusual siesta with clear recollections of a dream. 

In my dream, I was hosting a party for my friend, Debbie. She was leaving town. In my dream, I invited my high school friends who Debbie doesn't know, but I'm sure she'd like. In my dream, my mother offered to host the party, and I said yes, and then Debbie said that our friend Laura was going to host the party, and I said yes, and then I didn't tell anyone. Somehow, everyone knew to show up at my mother's house, although Debbie showed up to with the intent to pick me up and was very upset that I hadn't told her about the change. In my dream, there were hundreds of people-- people I hadn't seen in years. (Thank you, Covid.) Somehow, my high school friends didn't get the at-my-mother's memo so my daughters were in charge of hosting them at our house with the food my husband and I had bought with money we had counted out at the register, emptying our pockets of spare change. At the party, my husband and my mother were working together to make food and serve the throngs of people, and I was trying obsessively and unsuccessfully to find a phone to call and tell Laura that no one was coming to her house after crying and apologizing to Debbie for forgetting to communicate that key detail to her and Laura. 

Wow. How much can one good dream reveal? And in such a relatively short period of time?!?!

"You need a therapist," my daughter said when I relayed the events in the morning. 

"Maybe," I said, "but I do recognize the issues."

"A therapist would help you deal with the issues," she said. 


But then what would I dream about? 


  1. I'm amazed at how clearly you remember your dream! More often than not, I remember my dream when I wake, but 1-2 hours later, I have zero recollections of it.

  2. I very often dream so realistically that I wake up and have to ask others if the things that happened in my dream were real so I totally understand getting messages from our dreams. Isn't it so funny though how you can come to realizations from them??

  3. This dream has all the qualities--just the right amount of tension, stress, and the confused moments of "this is real" and "this isn't real" intertwined. I usually wake up from these feeling pretty exhausted. Hope it helped "resolve" some issues for you! Tam Truong

  4. Ooooh, I love how dreams reveal the things we're dealing with in our waking hours. I find that if I fall back asleep in the wee hours of the morning I tend to have vivid dreams that I remember clearly when I wake up. I wonder why?

  5. Lol....such an anxiety dream! I'm not a psychologist (nor do I play one on tv) but sounds like you are overcommitted?

  6. This stressed me out. Therapists are good. I'm glad you wrote about it because I'm sure you would've forgotten it otherwise! I might start a dream journal, but I think my therapist has enough content to deal with already.

  7. I'm exhausted reading about your dream!
