Sunday, March 6, 2022

Slice of Life 2022: 7 of 31- What if I were stronger or braver?

    It's March, and March means the Slice of Life Story Challenge. All are welcome to join the challenge of noticing and writing about the moments of daily life that are stories.

When a doctor first suggested a Peloton to me two years ago, I balked. I was a walker and a yogi with a distaste for bikes. I'd gone over the handle bars of one on my 40th birthday-- a post for another time-- and biking held negative appeal. However, as the threat of a knee replacement loomed on the horizon, I caved. A friend suggested that insurance should cover a medically necessary Peloton, and lo and behold, my HSA funds were put to bike-buying use. 

Fast forward to present day... I love that thing. I ride almost every day, and I feel personally connected to many of the two dimensional instructors, an admittedly absurd side effect of this eternal pandemic. Today I had a one-sided bonding moment with Robin Arzón when I read her picture book at Barnes and Noble. (Potentially another post...)

So here's the slice of it. Yesterday, as I rode in one of Robin's classes, she posed this question: What would you do if you were braver and stronger? 

I've heard several lines from Peloton instructors that I try to remember such as:
  • You've survived 100% of your hard days. (I guess that's true!)
  • Are you ready? Yes or yes? (There are times when I'm really not ready at all.)
  • You can do anything for fifteen seconds. (Not everything, no...)
I've even quoted some of them. 

But I spent free brain space moments today thinking about what I'd do if I were braver or stronger. I wrestled through my own personal exercise of it, and the truth is, there are a lot of things I've done in the last few years that have pushed me far from my comfort zone. I've been brave. I've wondered about leaving my current job and plunging into the realm of independent consulting, but there's a difference between brave and foolish, and right now, my family needs me to stay put. And stronger? Again, stronger in what sense? 

As I reflected throughout the day-- and through this post as well-- it's not the obvious nuances of braver and stronger that I'm striving for. It's more about the bravery and strength that's required to be vulnerable and kind. Sometimes I have to be really brave and strong to share what needs to be shared emotionally and to be kind when it's not my reflexive response. 

Who knew that a single question on my morning ride would set off my reflections for the day, but it did, and now, maybe it's done the same for you! What would you do if you were braver and stronger? 


  1. Braver is actually the reason I have participated in the Slice of Life these last few years. I decided that for me to be an instructional leader, I had to push myself out of my comfort zone as a reminder of what I am asking teachers to do on a daily basis. Stronger is a lot harder for me. I often get down on myself for not being stronger. I can be stronger for others, but I really struggle with being stronger within myself. My wonder for today . . . is stronger even in my personality?!

  2. The hash-tag in the teaser (#Peloton) caught my eye as an interesting angle for a slice. This was poignant. I hope all of us can find ways and moments of bravery and strength in the days ahead!

  3. Love me some Peloton, and love that you have a whole post about the questions Robin posed. I might borrow this idea from you! What if we were braver and stronger...truly. What if. This one's gonna make me think. XOXO Mel, big hugs to you.

  4. Your Peleton does more that help your knee, it also helped your inner ride. What a wise investment in the bike.

  5. I have not ventured to the Peloton world but I get the passion and connection. And I love the question, stronger or braver? I'm using it somewhere soon. Thanks for this reflection.

  6. Wow, I love the thoughts that ran through my own mind as I read your slice. I especially liked your line about being brave enough to say what needs to be said… this really resonates with me. Thanks for sharing!

  7. "the bravery and strength that are required to be vulnerable and kind" - this captures so well a lot of struggle and satisfaction for which I didn't really have a name. It gets at the both/and nature of trying to be our best selves and not always succeeding.

  8. Love some good Robin advice! Remember when you couldn't stand yoga instructors telling you how to feel? Look how far we've come.

  9. I love the flow of your piece. I wasn't sure where it was going... and I loved that about it. You are braver. And I am grateful to you for our hallway conversation (that might be a slice!)
