Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Slice of Life 2020: 31 of 31- Truth and Theory

March is for daily slicing, and all are welcome! Join us at Two Writing Teachers!

Truth: I have put off writing today. 

Theory: I don't really want to write my last post. 

In a month where I feel pulled in about ten times more directions than I have limbs, the SOLSC has provided a refuge for me. Sitting down to slice, to comment, to connect has been sacred time for me since around March 10 when life starting to change at a breakneck speed. I have worked to keep the focus of my slices NOT about COVID-19, but it has crept in. How could it now? 

One of my daughter moved home on March 11. She left an internship and a great set-up outside of Boston. While I am happy that she opted to take this semester off from college--she would have been a senior, and this is a terrible senior spring-- but living home and working remotely is a challenge, even to my most disciplined daughter. 

Another daughter, my oldest, was laid off, and to say I'm worried is an understatement. I was supposed to get on a flight next week to visit her, as she is 2,000 miles away. I sent her a package yesterday. 

Bear with me. I have four daughters. 

My third had to cut her semester abroad short. It was the part of college she was the most excited about. When she knew she had to come home, she texted, asking if she could get a puppy. Not a chance. That was just less than three weeks ago. We now have a puppy. 

And my youngest is a senior in high school. She knows where she's going to college. That's a good thing. And maybe pass/fail is a good thing for her, too, knowing how hard AP Calculus is. But I don't think the reality of now graduation, no senior prom, no captaining the tennis team has settled in on her. I'm not looking forward to when it does. 

There's my mom who is by herself. She will probably be reading this, and she knows I'm worried and guilty that I haven't been calling enough, being there enough, doing anything enough. 

And then there's work. That's all I have to say about that. 

It's a time when I want so much to do enough and there's no way to do that.

And slicing has just let me connect. Just let me carve a pace that's been like a bubble in an unpredictable and unsettled time. Thank you to all of you who have read my posts, commented on my posts, shared your own stories with the community. I'll slip into the weekly routine, and it will be enough, but the everyday connection has been more important during 2020 than in any other year. 

Truth: I don't want to sign off on this post. 

Theory: I don't have one. I don't need one. I've explained, and I know you understand. 

Be safe, be well, stay connected. 


  1. I think this is the most bittersweet end of the SOLSC ever. I have counted on my daily interactions with writers - some old friends, some new acquaintances - in a way I never have before. I will miss reading and writing daily posts. I will look forward to Tuesdays in a new way, too.

  2. Truth and Theory. So good. Such a good slice. It really has been quite a march. Quite a Slice of Life.

  3. Most years I have not managed to continue writing after today (knowing I should), this year, I am planning on continuing to document this entire time period.

  4. Yes my response is nearly two days behind, but I've enjoyed reading your slices and yes this is a testing time for us all, particularly I feel if we have adult children more than younger ones. Life at home will be tough with little ones, but if your kids are getting laid off it's hard. I do hope all your daughters manage okay... and hopefully some of us will meet again next Tuesday.

  5. Effort equals enough. Sometimes that effort is about stopping for a moment. Your daughters, they are so lucky to have you in their corner as they navigate this. Your mom, she understands. :) There are so many layers of discomfort for each person in this situation and all so different. When you are in the center of all that discomfort it can wear you down. Sending you a hug (virtual), a nap (permission), and your favorite snack (if I could). <3
