Thursday, March 28, 2019

Slice of Life 2019 28 of 31: Charlie's text

Throughout the month of March, I am participating in the Slice of Life Story Challenge. I am happy to co-host this event with the team at Two Writing Teachers. Everyone is welcome!

Mom. A text from Larkin came across my phone. Who is this? What is this? 

She sent over a screen shot that someone had sent to her.

Are you Melanie Cavo that served as Cornell's lacrosse manager in the spring of 1987? 

Larkin wanted to know how to respond. The response seemed obvious to me. She could let whoever this person know that she was Melanie Cavo's daughter. She did, and she also asked who it was. We were both wondering for sure.

She sent another screenshot.

Sorry to contact you out of the blue... the next message started.

An old friend Charlie turned out to be the sender of the text, and I spent the day trying to decide how to respond to the rest of his text-- it was just so sad. I haven't been good at keeping in touch with my college friends, especially the lacrosse guys. Being the manager of the men's lacrosse team had some really special moments-- we played in the national championships twice during that time. That being said, the men had a special bond which didn't really transfer to the two women keeping stats. That's pretty easy to understand.

So back to the text: One of the nicest guys on the team, a player who graduated two years ahead of me, had died at the beginning of the month. I googled his obituary. Fifty-three. Cancer. I read what I could find about him. He was a dad, a husband, a successful businessman. He still worked out all the time. Loved to bike. And now his friend Charlie had to track down every person associated with the 1987 lacrosse team because he left us all gift cards, and Charlie needs addresses.

He left us all gift cards. 

How he ended up in touch with my daughter is a little beyond me.

I had some text exchanges with Charlie tonight, catching up a little bit, mostly offering condolences. They'd been friends for almost forty years.

I wish I'd stayed in touch better. I sent one more text to Charlie last night, after I googled some people and did a little facebook stalking:

I just sent Richie and Dave messages, as well as Naomi. Your reaching out inspired me. Thanks for that. Thanks to Tim, too.


  1. Sad way to start the morning ( and you to end your day) but we do have to look for the inspiration. Making sure we live each day to its fullest and reach out to those who matter in our lives. You gave me a person or two I have been meaning to contact. Thanks for sharing his story - sending thoughts into the universe for him and his family. Part of me is interested to know what the gift card is for...

    1. I don't know anything else about the gift cards. They're in probate so it might be a while. Maybe the reason for them was to have people reconnect. If so, it's working.

  2. Thank you for sharing your slice. I too am inspired to reach out to a few old friends. Live each day to the fullest is what pops into my mind as I reflect on your words
    Thank you for sharing.

  3. Wow! I am really, really bad at keeping in touch with people, and this definitely makes me stop and think. Who do I need to reach out and reconnect with? I would like to hear more about the gift cards too. An interesting way to reconnect...

    1. Just responded to Clare about that too-- I don't know anything else about the gift cards-- not where to, how much, if there's a note... They're in probate so it might be a while, but I'd love some sort of explanation for why, too. Maybe the reason for them was to have people reconnect. If so, it's working. Maybe just to let everyone know that it was a great team-- it really was!

  4. I always wonder why death brings people together? Why can't we live with more urgency. Your slice made me think of reconnecting and dropping phone or text messages today.

  5. Oh wow.This is sad but also maybe the start of something happy. I too am wondering about the gift cards and the next part of this story.

  6. Such a lovely idea your friend had to bring people together again - and to remember the women too. Sending prayers

  7. Wow! What a slice! So sorry about the loss of a friend. It always amazes me how death reconnects. I always have to believe that it all happens for a reason - the reason they found you through your daughter is a bit perplexing. Glad you've taken the news and reached to friends! Thanks for sharing!
