Saturday, March 25, 2023

Slice of Life 2023: 26 of 31- Looking forward to a meet-up and some dirt bombs

 It's March, and March is for slicing.  Anyone is welcome to join us through Two Writing Teachers, slicing, sharing, and commenting on other slices! 


If you leave a comment, please include your name in it! So often all I see is "anonymous", and I REALLY want to know who is commenting! Thank you!

I can't believe the conference is canceled, the text popped through my phone as I contemplated how hard to push on the upcoming Peloton hill. 

Truthfully, my legs were sore from a too-hard ride the day before, so I reached for my phone and responded, ignoring the instructor's instruction to turn up the resistance. 

The wonder as to why not putting it on a Friday was a good one, and I didn't disagree with the idea. However, as I pointed out, I was not in charge of the event; I was only involved with the event. There's a difference. 

I turned up the resistance and tried to multi-task more effectively, but I appreciated the final text. 

At the end of the ride, I thought about how we didn't need a conference to get together, but life got in the way, and I forgot to respond. Then, as I relived and wrote about the moment, I texted him again.  

We'll get a date on the calendar, and it'll be on our terms, on a day that works for us. I can share my ideas about sentence construction if he's interested, we'll catch up on life and kids, and I'll probably get some great new ideas from him that I wouldn't have gotten if we were only seeing each other at the conference. 

And the extra great thing? I'll get some of those delicious dirt bombs. (Thank goodness for the Peloton!)

* Thanks to Dawn Sherriff for the idea of weaving in text messages into a post. 

All good things, 


  1. Life does get busy! Sorry your conference was cancelled. Not only did you weave in texts, you also gave us a glimpse into your workout! Those hills!!! ❤️ Jess

  2. I love the way this slice pulls together your actions, your thoughts, and your voice (I think the texting works!). Enjoy your gathering. Can you write about "dirt bombs"? They sound interesting.

  3. What a great way to bring the exact wording of dialogue into a slice! And I love the voice the text message brings directly from the phone.

  4. Using text conversations to write a slice is similar to using a photo as inspiration. With the text, I found, you have to set each one up just right in order to tell the story. You do it here! It's amazing how much information the texts can hold if set up properly! You weren't the organizer but clearly want to spend time with your co-presenter and you both love chocolate bombs! Thanks for the shout out and thanks for sharing!

  5. I love the slice with the text messages woven in! It’s like adding dialogue to a story- it makes me want to keep reading- but this feels even busier as you describe being on the peloton at the same time. Your writing put me right there next to you! -Leah Koch

  6. Melanie, nice job weaving in those text messages. That is a fun feature of this and other posts I've seen. The text messages affirm your story, if that makes sense. I like that you were able to get together and share life and teaching even without the conference.
